Monday, November 1, 2010

Amazing Race Watermelon

My cousin showed me this a couple of weeks ago, and I can't stop watching it. People getting hurt is always sorta funny, especially when it involves fruit.

Rocky Horror Glee Show

Rocky Horror Picture Show has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. I know most people (like my friend who saw it this weekend) thinks it's weird and creepy and they don't get what it's even about. But I love it. So when I heard Glee, the show that's ruined some of my favorite songs, was going to do it for their Halloween special, I was sorta pissed. Glee ruined some amazing songs, and now they're doing Rocky Horror?! Naturally, I had to watch it to see what they did. And all I have to say is overall, they didn't do half bad. I thought that it would be destroyed, but it was actually fairly decent. So kudos to you Glee, and thanks for not ruining Rocky Horror for me.

*This is all opinion, I'm sorry if there are any Gleeks that are reading this.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Exploding Glass

Tonight I was trying to heat up some dinner. Some leftover steak, snow peas, and rice. I place the plate in the microwave and only do 30 seconds at a time. After about the third cycle of the 30 seconds, I decide to check the food to see how warm it is. As I'm taking the plate out of the microwave, it was making a strange hissing sound. Just as I think "Wow, that's a weird noise," the glass shattered. I watch as it cracks, then breaks against the hard tile floor, not knowing how, or where to move to, since I'm barefoot.
I ran and got a pair of shoes and to lock my dogs in the other room because, with my luck, they would decide to eat the glass. I grab a broom and start sweeping the kitchen. The glass made it's way into every place possible. It was in our dining room, under the stove, the sink, and the counters. Although I didn't get to eat what I knew would be a delicious dinner, and I had to then clean the whole kitchen, the glass exploding had to be one of the coolest, and scariest, things that's happen to me in a while.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Nomads of the Cranberry Festival

Since I can remember I've gone to the Cranberry Festival. It always amazed me all the people that would come to this town that they wouldn't give a second thought too on a regular day, and for a whole weekend spend it there like it was some magical place. There is the food, the lawn decorations to buy, and the cheap toys for your kids to beg for. But never as many cranberries as you would imagine. Then also at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon, everyone leaves. The vendors pack up, vans are loaded with the things that weren't sold, and they go. They just move on to another festival or flea market. It's like clock work every year, and it's nice to know that in 10 years, the same exact thing will be happening on the third weekend of October.